原檔 Original: SMTV Tiling - win7 & above.zip ( from some saint, thank you )
我的修改記錄 following changes are made by me: 開啟max.chwu.org下載解開 to download and extract "SMTV_MAX30.rar"
2024-12-22 youtube.com/@manzoog/live 1080p + 16 x Max
2024-12-02 max.chwu.org#SMTV_MAX30.bat可在一個螢幕上同時播放: *百萬兆兆(x1後面有30個0) 個 SMTV MAX (使用300kbps頻寬)
2024-09-07 同時放大3種(以上)字幕
2024-08-09 bats-U.rar: update yt-dlp to latest version before running ffplay
2024-08-04 同時放大 正體中文 + 悠樂文 字幕: SMTV-live-3big.rar
2024-08-01 cmdow-runas-adm.rar
Use cmdow to auto place/move SMTV on multi monitors,
with NTPClock run as administrator and auto placed (on my left small monitor).
2024-07-11 SMTVxy1080p50x50wAudio.rar
Running 50x50 SMTV with audio
2024-07-10 add some content into:
[00 guide and info.txt] While playing: ffplay hotkey / shortcut keys ffplay Documentation: q, ESC Quit. f Toggle full screen. p, SPC Pause. m Toggle mute. 9, 0 /, * Decrease and increase volume respectively Please watch related heartline and share with other: 2336 NWN Heartline 2458 NWN Heartline Update yt-dlp to latest version: yt-dlp.exe -U Download youtube mp4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx9Oo4-tik8 yt-dlp.exe yx9Oo4-tik8 -f 270+140 -o output.mp4 List fomrats: yt-dlp -F yx9Oo4-tik8 (yt-dlp yx9Oo4-tik8 -f 270+140-drc -o output.mp4) (yt-dlp yx9Oo4-tik8 -f "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best") [/00 guide and info.txt] add: 1SMTV[144|240|360|480|720|1080]p.bat add: SMTVxy.bat, SMTV3x2.bat, SMTV1x5.bat, SMTV5x1.bat add: SMTVxy720p30x30.bat, SMTVxy1080p30x30.bat, SMTVxy1080p50x50.bat (mute) add: cmd-here.exe
離線播放SMTV MAX: yt-dlp -f 96 -o SMTV_MAX_70s.mp4 "https://www.youtube.com/@folia999/live" 執行這個指令時,會顯示錄了多長的時間,按 Ctrl-C 可結束,就會存檔SMTV_MAX_70s.mp4,可依此取出自己喜歡的段落